What you do and how you live, creates your life. Every one of us by the choices we make can recreate it, too. In times of economic downturn and uncertainty, it's more important than ever to look deep inside yourself to fathom the sort of life you really want to have and the talents and passions that can make that possible, then have the courage to do it. Sure, you may make mistakes and hit a brick wall, but if you're not prepared to be wrong or to make a mistake, you'll never come up with anything original.
To quote Mari McGuire: "Most of life is learning what not to do." If you don't at least try you'll never know. "Whether or not you discover your talents and passions is partly a matter of opportunity. If you've never been sailing, or picked up an instrument, or tried to teach or to write fiction, how would you know if you had a talent for these things?" (Ken Robinson).
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The Jesus Movement gave rise to a whole host of creativity. There are thousands of folks out there quietly going about creating. Writers, Artists, Musicians, Sculptors. Hopefully these pages will develop into a platform to expose, encourage and promote creativity.