Creative? We want to hear from you.

Let's shine! On this page we want to provide a platform to show your creativity. You may already have created something or you're wondering about the book you'd like to write, a picture you'd like to paint or an original tune that keeps running around your head. We'd love to see or hear it. An email link is at the bottom of this page.

Don't Give Up

What you do and how you live, creates your life. Every one of us by the choices we make can recreate it, too. In times of economic downturn and uncertainty, it's more important than ever to look deep inside yourself to fathom the sort of life you really want to have and the talents and passions that can make that possible, then have the courage to do it. Sure, you may make mistakes and hit a brick wall, but if you're not prepared to be wrong or to make a mistake, you'll never come up with anything original.

To quote Mari McGuire: "Most of life is learning what not to do." If you don't at least try you'll never know. "Whether or not you discover your talents and passions is partly a matter of opportunity. If you've never been sailing, or picked up an instrument, or tried to teach or to write fiction, how would you know if you had a talent for these things?" (Ken Robinson).

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The Jesus Movement gave rise to a whole host of creativity. There are thousands of folks out there quietly going about creating. Writers, Artists, Musicians, Sculptors. Hopefully these pages will develop into a platform to expose, encourage and promote creativity.


Rick Griffin

Rick Griffin was born June 18th, 1944. He was known for his artwork with many of the musicians back in the sixties and seventies from Jimi Hendrix to the Beatles. He also created the original Rolling Stone Magazine logo. His album covers for Maranatha Records were groundbreaking. He also illustrated the Gospel of John for Chuck Smith of Calvary Chapel. Rick Griffin

Art work for Christian album 'Mustard Seed Faith"

One of the many illustrations for Chuck's Smith
"'The Gospel of John"

The Adventures of Sammy Quaver and his dog Allegro - Book One.

An allegory based on the influence and power of music. As a result of persecution, Beethoven and Mozart were masters at hiding messages in their music. The US Army used music in WW2 to send hidden codes and messages to the troops in Europe.

"Something was wrong. You could feel it. It all began quite innocently. No one thought about it, and yet here it was. The TUNE. Major Key has deposed the King and demanded everyone follow 'his tune'. Sam Quaver is the unlikely hero who finds himself on a quest to unlock the key and take back the Kingdom. Along the way he discovers the power of music and how it has been used from the beginning of time to change the course of human history.

The Adventures of Sammy Quaver and his dog Allegro - Book Two

Sam escapes the clutches of Major Key and set out to get help and build an army to take back the Kingdom only to eventually realize this is not a battle that can be won by swords and armies. To take back the Kingdom he needs to find the secret to the Lost Chord which has the power to defeat Major Key.

Available on Kindle - order in STORE

Available soon

Available in September

Something to make you smile

Everyone is born creative

Search your feelings, it's in you. We'd love to see what you're creating. If it's AI, please identify that it’s AI.
To submit please EMAIL here.